Finis Turnmaster Pro S


Available delivery methods: Tilaustuote, DHL1, Nouto Espoonlahti / Cetus -shop, PICKUP PARCEL SWE, PICKUP PARCEL, Baltia, PARCEL CONNECT UP3

The Turnmaster Pro is a portable lane bulkhead designed to maximize lane usage. Easily installed, the Turnmaster Pro is suspended between two lane ropes, dividing one lane into two. The streamlined design prevents drag in the water and extends seamlessly across pool lanes, allowing for optimal pool space. Built of durable Vinyl Ester chlorine-resistant fiberglass, the Turnmaster Pro is built to withstand the impact of race-speed turns. Available in two sizes, the Turnmaster Pro will fit most lane sizes.


FOCUS ON TURNS: Divides one lane into two, adding additional wall space

OPTIMIZE POOL SPACE: Customize a pool layout for practices or lessons

AEROSPACE-GRADE MATERIAL: Built to withstand race speed turns and chlorine damage

BUILT-IN WHEELS: Makes for easy transportation and storage

AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES: Small (2.05m & 42 kg); XLarge (2.50m & 45 kg)

Browse these categories as well: POOL EQUIPMENTS, Finis, EQUIPMENTS